The difference between biological sulfur and industrial sulfur


It does not add any inorganic acid or organic acid, and is rich in Thiobacillus, which increases the ductility of the acid-lowering effect;

Contains rich microbial active ingredients, dredges soil veins and improves soil environment;

The biological sulfur element is naturally hydrophilic, quickly binds to the soil, releases acidity, and takes effect in as fast as 7 days;

Heavy metals can kill Thiobacilli, so biosulfur does not contain heavy metals.


Industrial sulfur:

It belongs to inorganic acid and chemical acid, and its use effect is non-derivative. It should be used only after it is used up, and it is difficult to replenish it;

Industrial sulfur has a solid pore structure, a sustained release time of up to 3-6 months, and a slow acid reduction effect; over time, it will cause the soil to harden.

During the production process, industrial sulfur inevitably contains heavy metals;

It falls within the scope of dangerous goods control and requires registration for use, storage, and transportation.

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