Industrial sulfur and natural sulfur

Industrial sulfur comes from the smelting and recovery of petroleum, or the purification and recovery of natural gas, which is a by-product of the chemical industry. Industrial sulfur contains high levels of lead, which is highly toxic.

There are three types of natural sulfur: active volcanic sulfur (about 10% impurities), extinct volcanic sulfur mines (about 50% impurities), and natural hot spring sulfur (about 20% impurities). Natural sulfur, also called yellow teeth, contains arsenic, selenium, zinc, thallium, and calcium.

Among them, it is necessary to mention active volcanic sulfur, which is formed by the condensation of high-temperature sulfur gas erupted in the crevices of natural craters.

Most of the active volcanic natural sulfur on the market comes from Indonesia.

Natural sulfur is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

The mining of sulfur from active volcanoes is very dangerous. Most of the workers will not live past the age of 50 due to long-term exposure to poisonous gas, so Indonesians also call it “the devil’s gold.”

Industrial sulfur:

Belonging to inorganic acid and chemical acid, the effect of use has no derivation, stop when used up, and it is difficult to replenish;

The industrial sulfur pore structure is strong, the slow release time is as long as 3-6 months, and the effect of acid reduction is slow; after a long time, the soil will be compacted.

During the production process, industrial sulfur will inevitably contain heavy metals;

It belongs to the scope of dangerous goods control, and registration is required for use, storage, and transportation.

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