Significant effect of sulphur powder in the treatment of mercury

What we can know now is that industrial sulfur powder has many uses in our daily life. The sulfur soap we use contains sulfur powder. Friends who grow flowers will use it to repel insects and prevent diseases and treat rotten roots. At the same time, when the mercury thermometer used in our home is broken, sulfur powder can be used to clean the outflowing mercury.

For thermometers, it is a commonly used household item in our daily life. It is often used to measure body temperature, and mercury thermometers are used in most families, which are cheap and easy to use. However, mercury in this thermometer is a relatively dangerous chemical substance, namely mercury. If the mercury thermometer is broken, it needs to be dealt with in time. Mercury poisoning can result if not handled promptly or improperly. When the mercury thermometer is broken, we need to wear rubber gloves, carefully pick up the glass fragments with a paper towel, and put them in a plastic bottle, then prepare some cardboard or syringes to collect the larger mercury particles; for We can use cotton swabs to collect smaller particles, and put them in plastic bags to seal after collection.

At the same time, it is important to know that the mercury remaining on the ground is also very important to clean up. At this time, we need to prepare some sulfur powder and sprinkle the sulfur powder evenly on the residual mercury. Because the main component of mercury is mercury, the sulfur powder will form mercury sulfide that is difficult to release when it encounters mercury. It can affect health if it is released into the air. After doing this, long-term ventilation is required to ensure that the mercury volatilized in the room is completely dissipated. This method of correct handling is simple but very practical. If you master this method, you don’t have to worry about breaking the mercury thermometer at home.


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Sulfur powder production needs to be operated in accordance with safety regulations
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