The difference between industrial sulfur powder and medical sulfur powder

As we all know, according to its subdivision function, sulfur powder is roughly divided into three categories: industrial sulfur powder, agricultural sulfur powder and medical sulfur powder. Although they are all sulphur powder products, they are different in usage and performance. So what are the specific differences between these sulfur powder products?

Sulfur powder is an important variety of inorganic pesticides. The product is yellow solid or powder with obvious odor and can be volatile. Sulfur aqueous suspension is slightly acidic, insoluble in water, and reacts with alkali to form polysulfides. When the sulfur burns, it emits a cyan flame, and sulfur dioxide gas is produced along with the combustion. In production, sulfur is often processed into a colloidal suspension for the prevention and control of pests and diseases. It is safe for humans and animals and is not easy to cause phytotoxicity to crops.

Medical sulfur powder is not the same as industrial sulfur. Crude sulphur is used in industry and sublimated sulphur is used in medicine. Bulk sulfur is light yellow bulk crystal, powder is light yellow powder with special odor, soluble in carbon disulfide, insoluble in water. Specific gravity, melting point, and solubility in carbon disulfide vary with crystals. The boiling point is about 445°C. Sulfur burns in the air, and a blue flame occurs when burning to generate sulfur dioxide. The powder is easy to burn when mixed with air or oxidant. even explode.

There are three crystal forms of sulfur block, namely orthorhombic sulfur, monoclinic sulfur and amorphous sulfur, among which the orthorhombic sulfur is the Z stability, and the general commodities have two crystal forms. Appearance, industrial sulfur is yellow or light yellow, and has block, powder, granular or flake shape, etc.

The above is the difference between industrial sulfur powder and medical sulfur powder. Although they are both sulfur powder, it can be seen from the above analysis that they are still very different in terms of application scope and scenarios. Do not use different types of sulfur powder in confusion.

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