How to use the special sulfur powder for fruit trees?

We generally call the sulfur specially used for fruit tree planting as the special sulfur powder for fruit trees, which can effectively sterilize and control pests and diseases. The special sulphur powder for fruit trees can be formulated into agricultural chemicals or used directly.

1. The special sulfur powder for fruit trees can be sprayed with water. Although sulfur is insoluble in water, the fine sulfur powder and water are mixed well until no obvious sulfur powder is visible to the naked eye. When spraying in the forest, it is best to use a compression sprayer to spray, and then spray evenly in proportion. In addition, focus on spraying the trunk and roots of fruit trees.

2. The special sulfur powder for fruit trees can be directly buried in the roots of fruit trees. Many pests and diseases of fruit trees occur at the roots. When a certain percentage of sulfur powder is ready, bury them directly along the roots of the fruit trees. The depth should be varied according to the size of the fruit tree, but the dosage needs to be controlled to prevent overdosing and burn the seedlings.

3. When sterilizing vegetable greenhouses, the special sulfur powder for fruit trees can be sterilized by closed combustion. Put the special sulphur powder for fruit trees in the greenhouse vegetables, ignite and burn with an open flame. When burning, be sure to close the greenhouse vegetables in time. In addition, there must be no living organisms in the shed, and sulfur combustion will produce sulfur dioxide, which will cause damage to living organisms.

In addition, the special sulfur powder for fruit trees can also be used to configure inorganic pesticides such as lime sulfur mixture and sulfur suspension agent, which has a good control effect on some fruit tree diseases and insect pests.

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