Sulphur has so many uses in life!

When it comes to sulfur, we may all think of industrial sulfur powder. It is generally used in industrial production. It is a dangerous chemical and needs to be kept away. But did you know that sulfur has many wonderful uses in our lives?

Many of our homes have mercury thermometers, but if you accidentally break a mercury thermometer and spill it on the floor, it can be trickier to deal with. At this time, if there is a wound on your hand, you must not scratch it with your hands, and the mercury on the ground is difficult to sweep up. The steam after the volatilization of mercury is highly toxic, we must be careful. At this time, it is only necessary to sprinkle the sulfur powder on the mercury and it will be solved quickly. The sulfur will react with the mercury to form mercury sulfide, and then clean it up.

Many of us should have heard of or used sulfur soap. A certain amount of sulfur is added in the production of sulfur soap, so as to achieve the purpose of sterilization and removal of mites. In addition, it can effectively control oil, treat tinea pedis, relieve body odor and so on. However, due to the effect of sulfur, long-term use is not recommended to avoid dry skin.

Friends who like to plant flowers and plants generally use sulfur powder when adjusting the pH of the soil and cutting plants, because sulfur powder can adjust the pH of the soil for a long time and ensure the growth environment of the plants; when cuttings, the wounds of the plants Sprinkle some sulfur powder can effectively prevent wound infection.

In addition, if you have pets at home, using some sulfur can also help pets prevent scabies.

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