What role can agricultural sulfur powder play?

Sulfur powder can not only play an irreplaceable special role in industrial production, but also play a special role in agriculture and planting. What specific effects can it play?

1. Sulfur product powder has a special effect on the decay of wound juice.

Old leaves of cycads, the yellow leaves are cut off without disrupting the flow of juice. When figs and banyan trees are pruned, they will shed white juice, which is easy to be infected. After flowering and fruiting, the pruned flowers and arrows are easy to shed fluid, and even cause rot, etc. At this time, sulphur powder can be sprinkled after pruning. According to the test, the incised liquid flowers, plants and trees flowed, leaving sulfur powder in the wound, and the sap no longer flowed and healed quickly. After cutting the roots of newly planted stumps, dust the cut with a powdered sulfur product to prevent infection and rot, increase stress resistance, and promote rooting.

2. Sulfur product powder has a special effect on improving the graft survival rate.

Graft Z is susceptible to infection and survival and can be sterilized with sulphur powder. If the crab claw orchid grafted with three arbor arrows or cactus, fairy fingers, immediately spray the grafting interface with sulfur powder, and keep it in a cool place for 3 days to prevent rain, even if the plastic bag cover is not needed, it will not be infected with rotten bacteria and survive. The rate is higher than 95%.

3. Sulfur product powder has a special effect on root rot.

Flowers and trees are prone to root rot, and root rot can easily cause plants to die. Many medicines are difficult to work and can be treated with sulfur powder. If the roots are often rotted due to excessive watering or unclean farming soil, you can knock them out of the pot, remove the farming soil, cut off the rotten roots, wash the roots with water, dry them slightly, while the roots are slightly moist, spray with sulfur product powder , and then plant with sterilized cultivation soil, and new roots can grow in about a month; if all the roots are rotten, spray sulfur powder and plant in flat sand, often water the leaves, re-root, and then cultivate The soil is disinfected.

4. Sulfur powder has antiseptic effect on cut flowers and wood.

The cutting flowers and trees are generally first inserted in the plain sand, and then transferred to the soil culture after rooting. However, if the cuttings are immersed in the sulfur product powder immediately after the cuttings, and then inserted into the culture soil, not only the survival rate can be improved, but also the seedling rot can be effectively prevented. If the cuttings of camellias and rhododendrons are immersed in sulfur product powder, and then directly inserted into the pine leaf humus soil sterilized with potassium permanganate, the survival rate can reach more than 90%.

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