Application of Agricultural Sulphur Powder in Flowers

Agricultural sulfur powder, as the name suggests, is the use of sulfur powder in agriculture, such as improving the pH value of soil, preventing powdery mildew and so on. This time, the editor will take flowers as an example and focus on explaining our agricultural sulfur powder.

First of all, we need to know that the nature of the soil determines the growth behind the flowers. If the flowers that like acidic soil are planted in alkaline soil, it will make it difficult for the flowers to grow normally. The sulfur powder can effectively adjust the pH value of the soil, but here I want to remind everyone that it takes about half a year for the sulfur powder to be sprinkled into the soil to take effect, so it should be sprayed in advance.

Secondly, many flowers are prone to powdery mildew, which affects their appearance in the slightest, which is contrary to our original intention of appreciating flowers. Planting causes the leaves to turn yellow and fall, and even cannot bear buds and bloom after Z. Many medicines have weak curative effect. By spraying sulfur powder, powdery mildew of flowers can be effectively prevented and flowers can grow healthily again.

Flowers often need to be grafted, and sometimes the interface is not handled properly, resulting in wound infection and sap rotting. After grafting, sprinkle sulfur powder on the interface, which can make it no longer sap, and can heal quickly, enhance resistance to stress, and promote growth.

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