Learn more about sulphur

How is natural sulphur formed?
More than half of the world’s sulfur is produced as a natural element or elemental sulfur, which is S.
Mainly from deposits formed by biochemical action.
There are also deposits formed by the action of volcanoes.

There are many production areas of the world’s major natural sulfur. Such as Sicily in Italy, Mexico, Japan, Argentina, Chile, and Texas in the United States and so on. The main production areas in China are Shandong, Qinghai, Xinjiang, and Taiwan, which are all large areas of sulfur production.

Properties and applications of natural sulfur.
The crystals of natural sulphur belong to the orthorhombic system. Better crystals are rarely seen, often in the form of dense blocks, granules or strips. Pure sulfur is yellow in color, with white or yellowish white streaks. The Mohs hardness is relatively low, that is, 1 to 2. Sulphur is brittle, easy to dissolve, and easy to burn. The flame when burning is blue-blue. , and there will be a pungent sulfur smell.

Natural sulfur is widely used and is the basic raw material of the chemical industry. It is mainly used for the manufacture of sulfuric acid, as well as for the production of some magnesium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, etc. These chemical fertilizers can also be used in the production of chemical products, and can also be used in medicine.

What is the difference between natural sulfur and artificial sulfur?
Can synthetic so-called artificial sulfur or industrial sulfur be used as medicine?
Artificial sulphur, we call it industrial sulphur,
There are two main reasons why it is generally considered that it cannot be used as medicine.
One reason is that artificial sulfur does not meet the current pharmaceutical standards. The current pharmaceutical standards stipulate that natural sulfur can be used as sulfur only after it has been refined. Artificial sulphur does not meet the standard of medicine at all, and of course it cannot be used as medicine.
The second reason is that artificial sulfur was only produced in large quantities in the industrial era, so it is also called industrial sulfur. It has never been used before, or there is no clinical data, and it does not meet the requirements of traditional Chinese medicine. of the same lineage.

Natural sulfur and artificial sulfur are relatively easy to distinguish.
From the appearance point of view, natural sulfur retains the state of crystal. After the block is smashed, it is still in the state of crystals, and the irregularities are large and small.

Artificial sulphur, described him as flaky flat bread. Probably in the state of dorayaki. Although there are large and small, but basically the same shape, more symmetrical. Therefore, the artificial sulfur or industrial sulfur bought in many places is basically in this state, but there are also other states.


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