Application of Industrial Sulfur

Industrial sulfur is an important chemical product and basic industrial raw material, widely used in chemical industry, light industry, pesticide, rubber, dyestuff, papermaking and other industrial sectors. Solid industrial sulfur is available in block, powder, granular and flake form, and is yellow or light yellow. Sulfur contains a large amount of arsenic, which can easily cause renal insufficiency and failure, multiple neuritis, and liver function damage. It is strictly forbidden to take it orally. Because sulfur will combine with oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide, which has a bleaching effect, so illegal traders mainly use sulfur to fumigate. Bleaching or whitening food; at the same time, sulfur has a bactericidal effect, so it can be used to prevent food spoilage and extend the shelf life.

Production Process:
The raw material gas (acid gas) undergoes fuel conversion to oxidize hydrogen sulfide into sulfur, and the unreacted raw material gas is oxidized again, and the liquid sulfur separated from the trap is granulated and packaged for delivery.

Product performance:
Sulfur is a yellow solid, divided into crystalline and amorphous forms. Melting point 112.8~119.3℃, boiling point 444.6℃, insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and ether, easily soluble in carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride and benzene. This product belongs to Class II inflammables, with a natural point of 205°C. Its dust or steam can form explosive mixtures with air, and it is a flammable solid dangerous product.

Product Usage:
Sulfur is mainly used to produce sulfuric acid, dyes, fireworks and rubber products, and can also be used in military industry, medicine, pesticides and other departments. Food sulfur can be used in food industry for antisepsis, insecticide, bleaching, dyeing, etc. It can also be used for softening corn and other raw materials in starch industry. The sulfur granules produced by this process are especially suitable for fireworks, military and pharmaceutical industries, as well as for bleaching and dyeing purposes.

Industrial sulfur is poisonous and flammable, with an auto-ignition temperature of 205°C. Sulfur dust is explosive. When using and transporting industrial sulfur, sulfur dust should be prevented from being generated or released. The production, storage, transportation and use of liquid sulfur must comply with relevant safety regulations. Open flames are strictly prohibited. It is allowed to extinguish burning sulfur by spraying water, etc.

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The Role of Sulfur in the Rubber Industry
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Effect of Sulfur on Adhesive Properties of Reclaimed Rubber