What are the factors that affect the price of sulfur?

Sulfur is widely used in sulfuric acid manufacturing, sugar processing, rubber processing, pesticide manufacturing, sulfur-containing chemicals manufacturing and other industries. The domestic demand for sulfur products is very large every year. Manufacturers who need sulfur powder are also very concerned about the market and price of sulfur powder. So what are the factors that affect the price of sulfur?

1. The price of crude oil also determines the price of sulfur. At present, most of the domestic sulfur production is mainly based on the recovery of crude oil and natural gas, and there are very few natural sulfur ore.

2. Market demand, that is, the demand for downstream products of sulfur is the most important factor affecting the sulfur market. Among them, the demand for downstream products such as sulfuric acid and phosphate fertilizer directly affects the quality of the sulfur market.

3. The quantity of imported sulphur also stimulates the supply and demand of domestic sulphur, because the domestic production of sulphur in my country is relatively small, and most of them are imported.

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