Analysis of Properties of Sulphur Powder

Industrial sulphur powder is a chemical raw material with a wide range of uses and can be used to make explosives, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, rubber, etc. So, what are the properties of sulfur powder?

1. The appearance is light yellow powder with small crystals and odor. Adding some sulphur powder to the insecticide can increase the dosage, and the effect is very good.

2. Industrial sulfur powder is insoluble in water. In pharmaceutical projects, sulfur powder needs to be dissolved in ethanol. It does not conduct electricity or conduct heat, so it can be used as an insulator. Although sulfur powder can be used for pharmaceuticals, we need to pay attention to the method of use in the process of use, because sulfur powder is flammable and the gas generated is explosive gas, so it should be stored in a dry and ventilated environment, long-term contact The staff of sulfur powder should wash their hands frequently, ventilate more, and inhale sulfur powder for a long time, it is easy to stimulate the skin and nervous system, and it is easy to be allergic.

3. There are many kinds of sulfur powder products, which are divided according to the fineness, and each fineness has a specification. Because of the special properties of sulfur powder, woven plastic bags are generally used to pack sulfur powder during packaging, which can avoid light to avoid chemical reactions. Although sulphur powder is low hazard, the sulphur dioxide gas produced by combustion is highly toxic. Sulfur powder has a wide range of uses. Common tires and medicines in life contain sulfur powder. Sulfur powder can also be used to remove mites. Z In recent years, sulfur powder has also been applied to the semiconductor industry, and sulfur powder is also used in garden construction projects.

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