What effects can be highlighted by using industrial sulfur

What can be understood today is that solid industrial sulphur is in lumps, powders, granules and flakes, etc., with color or light color. Since sulfur combines with oxygen during fumigation, sulfur dioxide is produced, and sulfur dioxide has a bleaching effect, so illegal traders mainly use sulfur fumigation to bleach or whiten food.

What the processing staff of sulfur powder learned is that industrial sulfur is toxic and flammable, and the spontaneous combustion temperature is 205 ℃. Sulphur dust is explosive. The generation or release of sulfur dust should be prevented during use and transportation. The production, storage, transportation and use of liquid sulfur shall comply with relevant safety regulations. Open flames are strictly prohibited. Burning sulphur is allowed to be extinguished by means of water etc. Staff engaged in the production, transportation, storage and processing of industrial sulfur should use necessary protective equipment during operation. The packaging container of industrial sulfur should have obvious and firm signs, including the name of the manufacturer, address, product name, trademark, grade, net quality, batch number, production date, this standard number and “flammable solids” in compliance with GB190. ” sign.

In general, in the process of using industrial sulfur powder, it is necessary to master the correct methods and follow certain key points to ensure that the industrial sulfur powder has a more prominent effect in the process of application, and also has a good effect on crops when applied. more obvious effect.

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