Will industrial sulfur powder affect its use after it enters water?

Industrial sulfur powder is a chemical product that most people are familiar with, especially rubber manufacturers. Sulfur powder is usually stored in warehouses, but sometimes due to the negligence of managers, sulfur powder will In the event of some emergencies, such as being flooded, can the water-soaked sulfur powder still be used? Let’s take a look at the brief introduction of sulfur powder manufacturers.

After the sulfur powder is soaked in water, its physical and chemical functions have not changed, and it is no problem to use it to make other materials, but the moisture in it will affect the quality of other materials, so the sulfur powder should be dried before use. However, care should be taken to prevent the sulphur powder from being roasted at high temperatures when handling, otherwise its structure will be affected. The use of sulfur powder is to put dry powder into other materials to create new materials, and it must be carried out in strict accordance with the proportion.

In the process of storing sulfur powder, be careful not to let moisture soak it, so as to ensure its good use effect in the later stage.

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