How much do you know about the use of industrial sulfur powder?

As everyone knows, industrial sulfur powder, as an important chemical raw material and industrial raw material, plays a pivotal role in chemical industry, light industry, pesticide, rubber, dye, paper and other industrial sectors. Do you know how industrial sulfur powder is used in industrial production?

Industrial sulfur product powder is toxic and flammable, and the spontaneous combustion temperature is 205 °C. Sulphur dust is explosive. The use and transport of industrial sulphur should prevent the generation or release of sulphur dust. The production, storage, transportation and use of liquid sulfur shall comply with relevant safety regulations. Open flames are strictly prohibited. Burning sulphur is allowed to be extinguished by water spray etc. Staff engaged in the production, transportation, storage and processing of industrial sulfur should use necessary protective equipment during operation.

Solid industrial sulfur is available in block, powder, granule and flake form, and is yellow or light yellow. Sulfur contains a lot of arsenic, which is easy to cause renal insufficiency and failure, polyneuritis, and liver function damage. It is strictly forbidden to take it orally. Because sulfur will combine with oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide, and sulfur dioxide has a bleaching effect, so illegal traders mainly use sulfur fumigation. Bleaching or whitening food; at the same time, sulfur has a bactericidal effect, so it can be used to prevent food spoilage and prolong shelf life.

Solid products can be packaged in plastic woven bags or bags lined with plastic film, or in bulk. The bulk sulfur can be packaged without plastic film bags. Bulk products should be covered, but powdered sulfur should not be packaged in bulk. Liquid sulfur should be stored in special container equipment. The transportation of the product is carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the country.

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