How much do you know about the classification of industrial sulfur powder?

We can learn from the previous articles that about some physical and chemical properties of sulfur powder, due to these special properties, the transportation and storage of sulfur powder products must follow the established safe operation specifications. The classification of industrial sulfur powder is also a very important part.

Generally, the classification of sulfur powder is carried out according to the industry used. This time, we will focus on two types, namely, soil-specific sulfur powder and food processing sulfur powder.

First of all, food processing sulfur powder, this is where we can easily get confused. In fact, on the basis of following food safety standards, there is absolutely no problem in using sulfur powder to fumigate food, but we need to master a reasonable dose and not abuse it.

Second, soil-specific sulphur powder, as the name suggests, is associated with soil. This sulfur powder can be used to adjust the pH value of the soil. Friends who like to grow blueberries must be very familiar with it. By applying sulfur powder, the soil that was not acidic enough to meet the standards of crop growth habits. In addition, the special sulfur powder for soil can effectively deal with the powdery mildew of plants, such as roses, etc., which are easy to suffer from powdery mildew. The control effect of sulfur powder is very obvious.

In addition, in order to prolong the shelf life of food, some merchants will overuse sulfur powder for fumigation, and do not use special sulfur powder for food processing in accordance with regulations, and use industrial sulfur powder containing heavy metal elements, which is easy to cause health problems. damage, be careful.

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