How long is sulphur powder valid for?

Sulfur is an important raw material for sulfuric acid production. At present, there are more than 100 sulfuric acid production enterprises in my country, and the output accounts for about 47% of the total output. Most of these enterprises use solid sulfur, and a small part use liquid sulfur. Most of the solid sulfur comes from Canada, the Middle East and other countries or regions. So how long is the shelf life of powdered sulfur?

Powdered sulphur does not have a shelf life, but be careful to store it. Solid sulfur products are flammable solids and should be stored in a cool and ventilated warehouse. During storage and transportation, they should be kept away from fire and heat sources to avoid burning, and they should not be mixed with oxidants and phosphorus to prevent explosions. During transportation, it should be prevented from being loose, so as to avoid the formation of explosive mixture of sulfur powder and air. Liquid sulphur is stored in insulated tanks. The warehouse cannot be mixed with halogen, phosphorus, metal powder, oxidant, etc. Such as contact can cause severe reaction. Regular inspection: check warehouse temperature, check mixed storage, check humidity. When handling, lightly load and unload, so as not to damage the package and loose the package. The electrical lighting and fans in the storage warehouse should be explosion-proof, and the switches should be located outside the warehouse. Must be equipped with sand and fire extinguishing equipment.

Sulphur dust is harmful to human body. Sulphur dust can burn the eyes if it gets into the eyes and damage the airways if it gets into the airways. It is recommended to wear dust glasses and dust masks when working in an environment with sulfur dust.

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