The difference between medical sulfur powder and industrial sulfur

As an important modern chemical raw material, sulfur powder is used in steel pickling, pharmaceutical and food industry, safety stripping, water treatment, rubber, electrolysis industry, catalyst, pigment, papermaking, chemicals, sulfur cement, sulfur concrete, alcohols, Adhesives, pesticides, rail anchoring, black powder, firecrackers and other industries play an irreplaceable role. But if we look at the subdivision of sulfur powder, sulfur powder can be divided into medical sulfur powder, industrial sulfur powder, agricultural sulfur powder and other sulfur product powder. What are the differences between industrial sulfur powder and medical sulfur powder? The editor summarizes the relevant knowledge for your reference. Crude sulphur is used in industry and sublimated sulphur is used in medicine. Bulk sulfur is light yellow bulk crystal, powder is light yellow powder with special odor, soluble in carbon disulfide, insoluble in water. Specific gravity, melting point, and solubility in carbon disulfide vary with crystals. The boiling point is about 445°C. Sulfur burns in the air, and a blue flame occurs when burning to generate sulfur dioxide. The powder is easy to burn when mixed with air or oxidant. even explode.

Bulk sulfur is light yellow block crystal, powder is light yellow powder, has special smell, can dissolve in carbon disulfide, insoluble in water. Due to the difference in crystal structure, the specific gravity, melting point and solubility of carbon disulfide are also different. The boiling point is about 445 degrees Celsius, and the sulfur burns in the air, producing a blue flame during the combustion process, producing carbon disulfide. The powder is flammable and even explosive when mixed with air or oxidant.

What needs to be reminded is that sulfur powder, as an industrial sulfur processing product, has strong volatile properties and irritating odor, so you need to wear protective equipment when using it, operate in strict accordance with the process, and always pay attention to safety!

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