What are the advantages of sulfur suspending agent?

Sulfur has bactericidal and acaricidal effects. The sterilization and acaricidal power of sulfur has a great relationship with the fineness of the powder. The results show that the disease prevention effect of the sulfur powder with a diameter of 198 microns is 4 times higher than that of 27 microns, and the sulfur powder is larger than 37 microns. It doesn’t have much effect. In order to give full play to the medicinal effect of sulfur. In order to give full play to the medicinal effect of sulfur, the processing dosage form is from powder→wettable powder→suspending agent. Sulfur powder can only be used for dusting, and it is rarely used at present. Wettable powders can be sprayed with water. Although the medicinal properties are greatly improved than that of sulfur powder, it is rarely used at present. Sulphur suspending agent is currently widely used in production.

The particles of the sulphur suspending agent are extremely fine. Most of its diameters are less than 5 microns, the suspension force is greater than 90%, the adhesion is strong, and it is resistant to rain erosion, so the actual efficacy is more than double that of sulfur wettable powder. That is, the drug per unit area has been reduced by more than half. Duration 10 to 15 days. The product has 45% and 50% sulfur suspending agent.

It is mainly used for the control of powdery mildew and red spiders. If the powdery mildew and red spiders of crops such as trees, rubber, melons and fruits, black currant, wheat, and flowers are sprayed 200 to 400 times. It is also possible to directly spray the original solution of the preparation, such as ultra-low volume spray on aircraft or ground, to prevent and control powdery mildew of rubber trees, and spray 400 ml per mu of aircraft.

The control effect of sulfur preparations is closely related to temperature. It is not good to control below 4°C, and it is easy to produce vital diseases above 32°C. The effect is good when the temperature is high within the suitable temperature range. Using 50% sulfur suspending agent, the pesticide should be increased to 200~300 times of liquid in low temperature season in early spring to ensure the efficacy; use 400~500 times of liquid in high temperature season in summer to avoid phytotoxicity.

Do not mix with mineral oil emulsions and do not apply immediately before or after spraying mineral oil emulsions.

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Several Main Factors Affecting Sulfur Pelletization