Agricultural sulphur powder can adjust soil PH

Industrial sulfur powder is an important variety of inorganic pesticides. It is yellow solid or powder with obvious smell and can be volatile. Sulfur aqueous suspension is slightly acidic, insoluble in water, and reacts with alkali to form polysulfides. Sulfur emits a cyan flame when it burns, and sulfur dioxide gas is produced along with it. In production, sulfur is often processed into colloidal suspension for prevention and control of pests and diseases. It is safe for humans and animals and is not easy to cause phytotoxicity to crops.

Excessive soil pH is one of the main factors restricting crop planting. Different crops have different requirements for soil acidity and alkalinity. Some prefer acidity and some prefer alkalinity, but most crops are neutral. Or weakly acidic, weakly alkaline soil is suitable for growth. The pH value suitable for the growth of general crops is between 6.5 and 7.5, such as wheat 5.5-6.5, orange 5.0-6.0, rapeseed 5.8-6.7, watermelon 6.0-7.0, corn 6.6-7.2. Too acidic or alkaline soil is not conducive to the growth of crops.

Taking blueberry cultivation as an example, when the soil PH value is too high, it is easy to cause the iron-deficient leaves of the crop to turn green, the output value to drop, and even the death of the plant. When the pH is greater than 5.5, it is necessary to find a way to reduce the soil pH. The commonly used method is soil application of agricultural sulfur powder (200 mesh).

The usage method of the sulphur powder manufacturer is as follows: evenly spread the sulphur powder on the ground according to the calculated application amount, and dig about 30cm deep by hand or mechanically, so that the sulphur powder and the soil that needs to be improved are evenly mixed. The application of sulfur powder should be carried out one year before the planting, and the effect of that year is not obvious. The improvement effect of the whole garden is the best. In order to reduce costs, planting ditch improvement or planting improvement can also be adopted.

PH value reduction is generally carried out in conjunction with other soil improvement methods such as increasing organic matter. Therefore, the currently widely used method in China is to improve the planting ditch, or to improve the planting. In addition to adjusting the soil pH with sulfur powder, the addition of acidic peat can also effectively reduce the soil pH. Mixing peat with agricultural sulphur powder is better. In addition, soil covering sawdust, pine bark, application of acidic fertilizer, and application of crude tannic acid have the effect of reducing soil pH.


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